After month's of campaigning, we recently welcomed the news West Yorkshire Police are to carry out an independent review of our case.

As well as the civil action recently taken where the judge ruled Ryan was "unlawfully killed", the family had also been calling for an independent review of the case to help address concerns and questions they have had about how evidence was gathered, and it has now been confirmed that West Yorkshire Police will undertake this review.
Following a meeting with West Midlands Police this week, family friend and spokesman for the Justice for Ryan campaign, Jason Connon, said: "The meeting was more productive within the first five minutes than many that we have experienced in nearly five years. We were frank about our experiences with WMP and asked that the transparent dialogue we held at our meeting now continues. Everyone was in total agreement that something went seriously wrong following the acquittal verdict.
We are pleased they have finally sorted a new police force to conduct the independent review we have been asking for many months.
"We now look forward to meeting with West Yorkshire Police and moving our campaign for justice forward."
Stourbridge MP Suzanne Webb, who has been backing the family's fight for justice, said the meeting with West Midlands Police had been "really positive" and she added: "I made it clear in the meeting that WMP and West Yorkshire Police need to be transparent with Ryan’s family about what is happening at every turn. That means regular updates and meetings to discuss progress.
"The family is also working with a private investigator and it’s important the review looks into the original investigation but it also touches on any new evidence that could lead to a conviction for this terrible crime.
"This has already been a long journey for this courageous family but I think we finally have the nuts and bolts of a proper examination into what went wrong in the investigation, and the chance to finally obtain justice for Ryan."